Delivery FAQ

Where do we deliver?
We deliver to the United Kingdom and Ireland.

What happens if the item is damaged?
If the items are damaged on delivery we will give you a full refund.

How long will my delivery take?
A delivery usually takes 8-13 days but this varies for different products.

Can I track my order?
You can track your order with the tracking number provided in the confirmation email.

Can I Click and Collect?
You can click and collect at any of our stores.

How long will it take to have my order in click and collect?
Depending on the product it could take from 6 days to 10 days.

What if I no longer want my order?
If you no longer want your order get in contact with us to get it cancelled.

What do I bring with me for click and collect?
Bring the confirmation email a long with a form of identification.

What happens if the goods arrive late?
If the goods arrive later than expected we can give you a £20 voucher towards your next item.